Open Access E-Resources



  MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching)
The MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) Repository provides access to a curated Open Access online collection of Open Educational Resources (OER) that includes learning and support materials and learning objects. It is a database of metadata that describe: 1) all the learning materials, including 1,500 learning exercises (the total number of materials is more than 80,000); and 2) the profiles of registered MERLOT Members (more than 155,000). The content creation tools (ePortfolio, learning materials), as well as personal spaces (Bookmark Collections, Voices ‐ a community networking site) are integrated on the same platform. Together, these resources create an open, content-rich, flexible and collaborative environment for learners, educators, and researchers and offer a highly cost-effective approach to supporting instruction and learning processes.