
List of NEW BOOKS Added During the Month of DECEMBER - 16
Total Number of Titles - 19 Total Number of Volumes - 78
Sno Title of the Document Author No.of Copies Course Dept
1 Engineering ethics   Harris, Charles E. 10 CED CED
2 Disaster science and management   Bhattacharya, Tushar 1 CED CED
3 Fundamentals of finite element analysis   Hutton, David V. 4 CED CED
4 Watershed management  Murthy, J. V. S. 5 CED CED
5 Civil engineering contracts and estimates  Patil, B. S. 5 CED CED
6 Essentials of bridge engineering Victor, D. Johnson 10 CED CED
7 Design of bridges   Krishna Raju, N. 5 CED CED
8 Operations research   Gupta, Prem Kumar 4 CED CED
9 Water power engineering   Dandekar, M. M. 5 CED CED
10 Operations research   Gupta, Prem Kumar 1 CED CED
11 Object-oriented analysis and design with the unified process   Satzinger, John W. 1 CSE CSE
12 The dynamics of entrepreneurial development and management  Desai, Vasant 4 CSE CSE
13 Operating systems   Flynn, Ida M. 5 IT IT
14 Research methodology  Kothari, C. R. 6 IT IT
15 The grid 2  Foster, Ian (ed.). 2 IT IT
16 Global electronic commerce  Westland, J. Christopher. 1 IT IT
17 UML distilled   Fowler, Martin 4 IT IT
18 Mobile computing   Garg, Kumkum 3 IT IT
19 Grid computing for developers   Silva, Vladimir. 2 IT IT


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