
List of NEW BOOKS Added During the Month of APRIL-2016
Total Number of Titles - 18 Total Number of Volumes - 70
Sno Title of the Document Author No.of Copies Course Dept
1 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering Vol - I   Coulson, J. M.-John Metcalfe 1 CHE CHE
2 Modern petroleum refining processes  Bhaskara Rao, B. K. 10 CHE CHE
3 Digital signal processing   Anand Kumar, A. 2 ECE ECE
4 Analog integrated circuit design   Carusone, Tony Chan 5 ECE ECE
5 Fundamentals of electric circuits   Alexander, Charles K. 5 EEE EEE
6 Electronic principles  Malvino, Albert Paul 1 EEE EEE
7 Electrical power systems   Wadhwa, C. L. 5 EEE EEE
8 Digital systems   Tocci, Ronald J. 3 EEE EEE
9 Control systems   Anand Kumar, A. 4 EEE EEE
10 Principles of electrical engineering   Mehta, V. K. 1 EEE EEE
11 Microprocessors and microcontrollers  Kant, Krishna 10 EEE EEE
12 Electric power generation, transmisson and distribution   Singh, S. N. 2 EEE EEE
13 Distributed and cloud computing   Hwang, Kai. 5 MCA MCA
14 Object oriented programming with C++   Balagurusamy, E. 5 MCA MCA
15 JavaScript   Powell, Thomas A.-1968 1 MCA MCA
16 Operations research   Panneerselvam, R. 4 MCA MCA
17 Human resource management   Rao, V. S. P. 1 SMS SMS
18 Principles and practice of management   Prasad, L. M. 5 SMS SMS


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